SWCC Season 5
By Equinox · 13 weeksBack to SWCC
13 weeks

On play, gain vitality and move fixedly forward. When poisoned, gain vitality. Vitality gives 1 additional strength

After S.D., teleport to a random tile bordering your base. If successful spawn a 2 strength Ancient at its original location and vitalize both

By Majeure in October 2023
Strength in Numbers #2
Bygone Precursors — After S.D., teleport to a random tile bordering your base. If successful spawn a 2 strength Ancient at its original location and vitalize both

Reduce 1 mana cost for every destroyed unit since the beginning of the turn

By Majeure in September 2023
Oni the Soulkeeper — Reduce 1 mana cost for every destroyed unit since the beginning of the turn

When your base reaches 0 strength, give your base 1 strength.

By Fengxian in August 2023
Springwell Stoneshap — When your base reaches 0 strength, give your base 1 strength.

Before moving, spawn a 3 strength unit of a random type on a random bordering tile.

By Fengxian in July 2023
Tasi, the Original — Before moving, spawn a 3 strength unit of a random type on a random bordering tile.

Destroy a friendly undead and summon a 2 strength satyr in it's place. Next time, do the opposite.

By MooreFunn in July 2023
Blood Weaving — Destroy a friendly undead and summon a 2 strength satyr in it's place. Next time, do the opposite.

On play discard all remaining cards and deal 1 damage to a random enemy unit or structure for each card discarded

By theSINGULARITY in July 2023
Fireworks Handlers — On play discard all remaining cards and deal 1 damage to a random enemy unit or structure for each card discarded