Swarm of the East
22 stories

On play, randomly play up to 1 non‑Hero Satyrs with strength set to 2 from your deck on a tile in its row

By Bob Ross in March 2023
The Grim Ruler, Pt. I
Heavy is the head ran through with a blade, and she knows this. The worst things invariably happen to the best of people; not even Siro knows why. But…

On death, deal 1 damage to your base

By Яandomly Drawn Card in April 2022
Restless Destiny
Before their very realm was broken up into many islands, the Satyrs normally lived peaceful day-to-day lives oblivious to the rising tension of the wa…

When played with no surrounding units, return this card back to your hand with 1 more strength

By MooreFunn in June 2021
Beast’s Reign
“My velvet skin as my coverin’, I will fight for all my kin, As I brush through the desert sand, I trek this land with my axe in hand. The multitude…

At the start of your turn, deconfuse and give 1 additional move to friendly units in front

By HylandMoon in April 2021
Scrolls of the Focused
The history of the newly found temple can only be found in scraps littered in the sand. Through some scrolls, only a piece of its history was discover…

Before attacking a unit, spawn a 2 strength Dragon on a random tile bordering that unit

By Pepegak in February 2021
Invasion of the Iba dragons
How beautiful is the city of Katran, one of the 5 “main” capitals of the Universe. This miracle is located in the Swarm of the East, on the shores of…

After surviving damage, command friendly units with equal or less strength forward

By Zyries in January 2021
A small crook forged from an unknown type of desert brush. The knots and ridges in the wood are unnaturally symmetrical, yet the user (who also claims…

After surviving damage, randomly give strength to 2 other friendly units equal to the damage received

By Zyries in January 2021
A set of gold-tipped arrows with intricate fletching. When the tip is doused in the wielder’s blood, the gold shifts to a green hue. If this is then s…

At the start of your turn, deconfuse and give 1 additional move to friendly units in front

By VengefulRaven in January 2021
Temple of Focus
At the edge of the desert, between the struggling life and all that is forever dead, something moves for the first time in, let's say, 5 or 6 years. C…

Before attacking a structure or base, deal 3 additional damage to it

By Zyries in April 2020
A huge explosion, the structure trembles but the flaming red meteor hits its target Dark Nothing I wake up. My head hurts, everything’s blurry… is…

On play, randomly play up to 1 non‑Hero Satyrs with strength set to 2 from your deck on a tile in its row

By Zyries in September 2019
A Princess and Her Herd
Once upon a time lived a princess. This princess loved to twirl her scythes. She loved to help her parents with the daily harvest. But most of all…

Give 2 strength to a target friendly unit. Command friendly units in its row forward

By Xcircle in September 2019
Herald’s Hymn
Hark! The herald song booms Undead lurch from underground tombs From the curse of death, life reborn Beings cast from bone, soul and horn As the g…

On play, spawn 2 Satyrs with 2 strength on random bordering tiles

By HurgusBurgus in July 2019
The Dreadfauns of the swarm are a plentiful division. Rather than forming a single force, these satyrs split up their contingent into smaller herds. T…

On play, give 3 strength to a random bordering friendly Satyr

By Seth in May 2019
Faun Companions
Sadly, war takes its toll on everyone Even, children. The faun companions are the children and teenagers of satyrs, turned into a squire like type of…

On play, give 1 strength to surrounding friendly units

By Seth in May 2019
Pan Heralds
Pan heralds are the religious figures of the swarm, these satyrs empower surrounding units using their speech of salvation, they drive their allies to…

After attacking, move forward

By Zeth in May 2019
Lasting Remains
A frontline undead with high durability and high speed, these reanimated cadavers are very different than most of their undead siblings. The brutes o…

On play, randomly play up to 1 non‑Hero Satyrs with strength set to 2 from your deck on a tile in its row

By Seth in May 2019
Queen of Herds
It was dark, and cramped. She woke up to silence. Then she heard the sound of stone being moved, a light came into her view. Then she realised where s…

Deal 2 damage to enemies surrounding a friendly unit

By DoppleFock in January 2019
Dark Harvest
Nearly all members of the Swarm are trained in what is known as the “Harvest”, a martial art that incorporates the use of a scythe to swiftly dismembe…

By HurgusBurgus in January 2019
Grim Couriers
The undead are a gifted species in this world, bound by the storm. Theirs is a body lacking in muscle. Because of this, they're light and unrelenting…

On play, spawn a 1 strength Satyr on the tile in front

By HurgusBurgus in January 2019
A surprisingly smart satyr formation, the “Dopplebocks” formation consists of two contingents of satyrs forming a column, with the second rushing forw…

On play, fly to the first empty tile in front. Give 2 strength to all friendly units passed and vitalize them

By Minethetekit in January 2019
Xuri, Lord of Life
He had always wanted an army for him to command, but being the youngest of the 5 great dragons, he was the least likely person any dragon would take o…

Spawn a 5 strength Satyr on a random tile in your furthest row

By HurgusBurgus in January 2019
Head Start
The satyrs, for all their simplicity and flaws, are some of the best runners outside of the storm, second only to the undead. The fastest of satyrs ar…

On play, fly to the first empty tile in front. Give 2 strength to all friendly units passed and vitalize them

By Dracqi in January 2019
Xuri’s Journal
It has been a year since the storm started, breaking my home to pieces in a matter of months and forcing my clan into exile as the shards drifted into…
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