Qordia’s Nest
common · neutral · structureOpen in wiki
Qordia’s Nest
At the start of your turn, hatch and spawn a 2 strength Dragon here

Level 10
Qordia’s Nest
At the start of your turn, hatch and spawn a 3 strength Dragon here

Level 20
Qordia’s Nest
At the start of your turn, hatch and spawn a 4 strength Dragon here

Level 30
Qordia’s Nest
At the start of your turn, hatch and spawn a 5 strength Dragon here

Level 40
Qordia’s Nest
At the start of your turn, hatch and spawn a 6 strength Dragon here

Level 5Official changes
- (currently displayed)Released with the game.
Additional notes
This card cannot be collected; it is a token structure created by Broodmother Qordia‘s ability.